Power of Attorney for Litigation (Case of a claim to surrender a building)

訴訟委任状 / Power of Attorney for Litigation

   年/year   月/month   日/day
住 所 / Address
委任者 / Name or Company name and Name of Director

We do hereby appoint the following lawyer as our true and lawful attorney-in-fact for following litigation, to act for us in our name, on behalf of us to do and perform the following:

第二東京弁護士会所属 / belonging to Daini Tokyo Bar Association
弁護士 小西 隆文 / Takafumi Konishi, attorney at law

〒102-0093 東京都千代田区平河町1-7-20 平河町辻田ビル6階 山越総合法律事務所
TEL 03-6261-5353 FAX 03-6261-5359
Hirakawacho-Tsujita Building 6th Floor, 1-7-20 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0093 Japan
TEL: +81-3-6261-5353 FAX: +81-3-6261-5359

  1. 事件 / Case
    (1) 当事者 / Parties concerned
    原告 / Plaintiff: Us
    被告 / Defendant: ________________
    (2) 裁判所 / Court: 東京地方裁判所 / Tokyo District Court
    (3) 事件の表示 / Name of the Case: 建物明渡等請求事件 / Case of a claim to surrender a building
  2. 委任事項 / Affairs Entrusted
    (1) 上記事件に関する一切の行為を代理する権限 / everything necessary regarding the case above;
    (2) 訴えの取下、和解、調停、請求の放棄若しくは認諾、復代理人の選任、訴訟参加若しくは訴訟引受による脱退 / withdrawing an action, entering into a settlement or conciliation, waiving or acknowledging a claim, appointing subagents, performing intervention or withdrawal from litigation;
    (3) 反訴、控訴、上告、上告受理の申立又はこれらの取下 / filing a counterclaim, an appeal to the court of second instance, a final appeal, the petition for the acceptance of a final appeal, or withdrawing these proceedings;
    (4) 弁済の受領に関する一切の件 / receiving payment;
    (5) 代理供託、担保取消決定の申立、同取消に対する同意、同取消決定に対する抗告権の放棄、権利行使催告の申立、供託物の取戻請求(又は還付請求)及び受領並びに同利息の請求及び受領に関する一切の件 / providing security, filing the petition for the release of the security, consenting to the release of the security, waiving the right to appeal against the ruling of release of the security, filing the petition for notifying the security interest holder that the holder shall exercise the right to the security, filing claim for a refund and receiving the security and interest.