Case034: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and breach of prohibition of signboard installation
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and breach of prohibition of signboard installation.
Case033: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and renewal fees for 2 times renewal
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and renewal fees for two times renewal.
Case032: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and 3 months’ electricity bill
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on non-payment of 2 months’ rent and 3 months’ electricity bill.
Case031: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on 1 months’ non-payment of sublease rent and renewal fees, but acknowledged the lender’s responsibility to compensate for damages because of an illegal self-enforcement
This is one of the cases that cancellation of building lease contract based on one months’ non-payment of sublease rent and renewal fees was acknowledged, and compensation for damages because of an illegal self-enforcement was acknowledged.
Case018: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on 2 months’ non-payment but ordered the lender to compensate for damages because of an illegal self-enforcement
This is one of the cases that cancellation of building lease contract based on two months’ non-payment was acknowledged and compensation for damages because of an illegal self-enforcement was acknowledged.
Case015: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on 2 months’ non-payment and sublease without permission
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on two months’ non-payment and sublease without permission was acknowledged.
Case011: court acknowledged the validity of cancellation based on 2 months’ non-payment and sublease without permission
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on two months’ non-payment and sublease without permission was acknowledged.
Case008: court denied the validity of cancellation based on 2 months’ non-payment but acknowledged that based on 3 months’ non-payment
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on two months’ non-payment was denied but that based on three months’ non-payment was acknowledged.
Case007: court denied the validity of cancellation based on 2 months’ non-payment but acknowledged that based on 3 months’ non-payment
This is one of the cases of eviction that cancellation of building lease contract based on two months’ non-payment was denied but that based on three months’ non-payment was acknowledged.
Case001: court denied the validity of cancellation despite 4 months’ non-payment
This is the leading case which showed that the validity of lease contract cancellation based on non-payment of the rent would be denied if there are circumstances that the non-payment does not dissolve the relationship of mutual trust between the parties of the lease agreement (”Non-dissolution of mutual trust” principle). The Supreme Court denied the validity of cancellation despite non-payment of 4 months’ rent.
How can you deal with the tenant’s request to decrease the rent of your building in Japan?
This article explains legal regulations regarding tenant’s request to decrease the rent of a building and gives an outline of measures for the lender to deal with such tenant’s request.